Get Involved
The Friends of Deerfield will be hosting fundraisers beginning in 2021 thru 2023 to support Deerfield's 350th Celebration. How can you help us accomplish our goals?
Like & follow us on social media. You can find us on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.
Share our social media posts.
Sign up to receive updates about Friends of Deerfield.
Check out the 350th Steering Committee's, Historic Deerfield, and Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association respective websites for Future Events
Sign up to volunteer at our upcoming events.
Tell your family & friends we're raising funds to celebrate Deerfield, MA
turning 350!!!
Make a tax deductible donation to us via Venmo @FriendsofDeerfield, Paypal info@friendsofdeerfield.org or by mailing a check, payable to Friends of Deerfield, to:
Friends of Deerfield
PO Box 426
Deerfield, MA 01342